Sunday, November 6, 2011


So ok, we should be solid on levels at 14. Ray can pump these out like well ill stop there... Let's just work on polish for the rest of the project. We need to adjust variables and tweak the current levels depending from the playtests.

Brian, somethings I noticed with your main menu was that you were checking the position of the player but could you change that to be states? Like if the player hits down on the controller/keyboard they go from state 1 to 2, then just have a switch statement that takes you to different screens depending on the state. Just saying this so we can move things around on the main menu without having to adjust the code a lot.

Josh and Brian, the sound effects are really late. Also just wanted to say I think the jumping sounds a bit like jumping off a trampoline and not sure if it fits. AANNNDD I may have removed the sounds playing in the game since I had to merge the files and didn't even think about it, so we need to throw these back in on Tuesday.

AAAAAAANNNNNDDDDD one more thing, don't use the mouse on the main menu screen or youll go to the wrong screen. Brian can you also look into that.

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