Thursday, September 29, 2011

Latest build

Just threw up the latest build to the build page. You guys should follow it or somehow to get notifications from it, if thats possible. Can you guys mess around with some numbers and let me know what feels good like speed, toggling the toggle, double jump height, jump height, extra jump height and whatever else there is? Play it a bit and let me know what mechanics feel good or stuff needs to be adjusted. Over the weekend I should have some other traps implemented along with better air controls. Also can someone hit me up with a fbx file of a spike and possibly a spike that goes up and down?

Also don't be afraid to mess around in unity to try and add some stuff or create new levels. Ask me if you guys need some help or got some questions.

Alpha transperency textures

So this is more for you Bob but you can all read along.

This is the fix the professor showed us for the textures

1. Click on the channel layers
2. Hold down ctrl and click on the alpha channel layer
3. Return to the original layer and add a new layer
4. In the new layer, use the paint bucket to fill in the shape with the color you want or are using currently
5. Make the original layer invisible
6. Save as a PNG file and make sure you choose interlaced when asked

So that should make things transparent when you import it into unity
Not sure if for new textures we just have to delete the background and save as PNG and that'll make the alpha channel automatically but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
This week I created a model for the character. Next week I plan to finish some rough animations for him and work on polishing the textures.
So this week I created character mock-up ideas for the main character. Next week I plan on making a character model to use in the game.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Blog Layout

So I edited the layout of the blog a bit. You can see at the top right below the header, "Home / Game Builds / Schedule". Check em out and update things. I have been rocking updates of the game and posting them under the builds page. Go grab the latest and play play play.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Paint Splatter Images

Here are some of the images, that should hopefully work properly now. I'll post the new schedule soon.

Sounds We Need

Sound Track

Do we need different songs for every level?

Jumping(double jumping)
Hitting Trap Splash
Throwing paint

Progress On Throwing Mechanic

Hi Guys, So I spent sometime over the weekend trying to understand Unity and JavaScript, I found a good tutorial about that and i decided to give it a shot. I decided to make a simple 2D space shooter following the tutorial. What did i learn from this? How to implement the HUD, transitioning from one level to another( from Main menu to level 1 to win or lose screen). I also learned how to create the Main menu and how to make sound work in Unity. So I have a complete simple game up all we need is to transfer this to our prototype.

Thanks guys,

Monday, September 26, 2011


So for sound I have been looking around for tracks that we can use.  So far I haven't really found anything that matches the our game.  My room mate has promised the use of his KORG DS-10 which basically is a synth on the DS. He has several tracks already the loop that I am going to look into using, if not It shouldn't be to hard to come up with a couple tracks between the two of us.

Also for all other sounds, splashes and splatters I am going to raid DePaul's sound library first.  If that doesn't work it is off to the interwebs.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


So I was reading Brian's email about choices, only made it about half way but thought. What if we incorporated the trail button so you saw your last jump pattern, something that gives paint back to the player or can use that paint power up to reveal part of the canvas?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Little Update

So after some frustration, I was able to grab a screen shot of the game and apply it to the background texture. It doesn't seem to be applying the entire screenshot but as of right now it is applying the color green to it, so I feel pretty close.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Throwing Paint mechanic

I am currently working on the throwing paint mechanic, hopefully i get this done this week also work on the basic hud. I am trying as much as possible also working with Ted so we get this thing right for it to work in the game.

I will keep you guys updated on the progress.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weekly Blog Post 01

So this past week I worked on creating a mock-up for the visual style for the game.
I plan on creating character mock-up ideas for this upcoming week.

Latest Mechanics Update

I have two images of what I have been working on recently.

So after some experimenting with this trail effect, I was seeing it bog the system down. It's still playable but definitely notice some slow down. On the left picture, I am drawing cylinders which is overkill for what we are trying to do. On the right picture, I am drawing just one triangle for each frame but still noticed quite a bit of slow down after awhile. I noticed that it was drawing on both faces of the triangle so thats essentially drawing double than it should be drawing. Uhhh but yeah, is this essentially the effect were looking for?

Weekly Post 1

So this past week we managed to nail down an idea and begin work. I'll update the schedule on Tuesdays after we get a chance to talk about where we all are and I will try to have some sketches down for levels and obstacles tomorrow for class.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some Characters for Inspiration or Thought

Game Mechanics

This is a working list of mechanics for project paintkake.

1. Bleed (we have this done right?)

2. Jump (get the feel right)

2.5 Double Jump. (loose paint when you do this?)

3. Friction (should be like on ice? we will see how we like this.)

4. Paint explosion when you die?

5. Throwing of paint. (should cost 30% of total paint)

6. Paint life levels (HuD? or built into character model, maybe both?)

7-* Please comment with other key mechanics.

Mechanic Ideas.  Some of these are out there, some of them conflict, we need to decide so that we are all on the same page.

1. The Art style.  What do we like?  What do we dislike and want to change?  Do we want the character to be a paint bucket or a guy more like de blob only clear skin that shows the ink color he is on the inside? What other character ideas do we have?  Second on the art style is how the paint reveals the world.  When first approached the idea was more of solid white blocks  with paint that would drip down them.  Bob came up with a great prototype style that simply has a "line platform". Personally I feel that this is a great look, but it brings up some questions.  Do we want paint to be able to go onto the other side of the line?  This is fine for walking, but how far does the paint go when "bleeding" or when you explode.  The explosion being blocked by a wall was a subtle mechanic that was discussed. So say platform A was position to hide the location of platform B.  However when you hit a spike/explode the paint reveals the "line platform" and continues on to reveal platform B... (i can draw a diagram the next time we meet) This might be a complication.  We will have to decide what we want to do with mechanics vs art style.  Both are very important.

2. Should you be able to press a button and just explode?  What is to keep the player from just running a few extra steps in the next life and exploding again?  Is this okay to do or do we not want that ability.  If you can choose to explode, should there be some sort of penalty?  Possible penalty would be that every time you die you choose to explode you come back with less life?

3.  I had a 3 but then I got tired... PLEASE COMMENT OTHER IDEAS THAT NEED TO BE DISCUSSED. I will try to take down as many as possible the next time we meet and add them to this.

Great job so far everyone!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011


Paintkakke Pitch

Josh Campbell (Designer/Co-Producer)
Bob Juranek (Artist)
Ted Molinski (Programmer)
Brian Mushika (Programmer)
Raymond Tan (Designer/Artist/Co-Producer)
The love child of a classy dame like The Unfinished Swan with the wrong side of the tracks ruffian like Super Meat Boy or I Wanna Be The Guy

Game Pitch

This game is an educational game. You have a building with different rooms, on each door there is a word a player need to find in order to unlock the door and move on to the next level. The player will look for a specified letter for that word on the door. In some cases the player will have to look for a word specifying certain actions in the game. For example if the door is open, then there will be a sentence specifying the action and a missing word to complete the sentence. "The door is_____." then the player has to look for the word in this case the word is "Open". If the player get stuck, a hint will be provided to the player so he/she knows what they are doing. These actions or words on doors will be randomly generated and placed so that the player don't memorise the word or where the letter for the word was hidden. To make it more intense as the player moves on to different levels, there will be a timer in which the player should finish the whole sequence.
mechanics will be just jumping, climbing, running and shooting..

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Prototype Update

So here is the update on the prototype. I have it currently generating levels from a 2D array (in script but get this in by a file later on) and change colors on contact. Next thing probably to start working on is the bleeding effect so whenever your standing still the tiles around you should begin to be revealed. If anyone wants the project folder let me know. I am also going to look into, if there is a way to use no lights and still have colors or objects visible, because you can see a shadow in the top right corner.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Brainstorm Pitch

A pacman esque game that uses the streets on real world maps to create the level layout

A 3d platformer based on the work of this artist whose name I forgot but he paints disaster scenes with animals that have human heads. This could be like an environmental game where the player can transform into different animal bodies to save the world.

A racing game ala Mario Kart or Twisted Metal where the player(s) drive spy cars equipped with guns, missiles, etc. and they try to sabotage each other to win the race while at the same time dealing with obstacles on the road like turrets or barriers rising up on the track.

A platformer where are all the visual aspects are created using typography like instead of a traditional tree we would have

and the mechanics would revolve around word usage for navigation or puzzle solving